Topical Maps and Content Plans

Floyi’s Topical Map Tool simplifies content planning by creating a 4-level hierarchical structure that aligns with your brand identity, buyer personas, and target audience.

With powerful features like content suggestions, URL slug generation, and export options, this tool helps you seamlessly build and execute your content strategy.

How Does the Floyi Topical Map Tool Work?

The Topical Map Tool enables you to:

  • Generate a structured content hierarchy tailored to your strategy.
  • Organize topics for clear navigation and SEO optimization.
  • Equip your strategy with actionable content titles, search intent data, buyer’s journey mapping, and more.

How to Use the Topical Map Tool

1. Generate Topical Hierarchy

  1. Click ‘Generate Topical Hierarchy’ to begin creating your content structure.
    Note: This action uses credits as shown.
  2. Wait for the hierarchy to generate.
    • The Main Topic (MT), Subtopic 2 (ST2), and Subtopic 3 (ST3) columns will be populated.
Screenshot of a "Topical Map" interface from Floyi. It features a progress flow with steps like generating a topical hierarchy and URL slugs. A red arrow points to the "Generate Topical Hierarchy" button. Below is a detailed hierarchy map table. Floyi Content Planning

2. Sort the Hierarchy

  1. Click ‘Sort Hierarchy’ to organize your topical map:
    • Topics (MT-ST4): Sorted alphabetically (A–Z).
    • Keywords: Sorted by search volume (highest to lowest within a cluster).
      Note: Sorting is free and doesn’t consume credits.
Screenshot of a topical hierarchy map from FLOYI. It shows a table with columns labeled "Main Topic," "Subtopic Y," and others. Keywords are sorted by search volume. Arrows point to sorting details. Menu options are on the left. Floyi Content Planning

3. Generate Content Information

  1. Click ‘Generate Content Info’ to generate key insights and suggestions for the content to create for different content in the map. Suggestions and insights use the relevant SERP results when generating:
    • Content Titles
    • Search Intent
    • Buyer’s Journey
    • Recommended Content Type
    • Snippet Meta Description
  2. Review the generated content insights to guide your strategy.
Screenshot of a web page showing a topical hierarchy map. The page includes a navigation menu on the left and a table with columns like CPC, SIMILARITY, SEARCH INTENT, BUSINESS DRIVER, CONTENT TYPE, SUBJECT, and URL SLUG. A red arrow points to the table. Floyi Content Planning

4. Generate URL Slugs

  1. Click ‘Generate URL Slugs’ to create optimized URLs for your content.
  2. Review and edit as needed to match your brand’s structure.
Screenshot of a Floyi software interface displaying a Topical Hierarchy Map. The table includes columns for CPC, URL, and more, with rows of data about content and SEO. A red arrow points to the "URL Slug" column on the right. Floyi Content Planning

5. Export Your Topical Map

  1. Click ‘Export to Excel’ to save your topical map and content data in a shareable format.
Screenshot of the Floyi platform showing a Topical Hierarchy Map with data columns such as Cycle, Content, Search Intent, and more. A large red arrow points to a green "Export to Excel" button on the right side. Floyi Content Planning

How to Edit the Topical Map

Screenshot of a project interface displaying a topical hierarchy map with columns for topic name, subtopics, keywords, volume, CPC, and competition. There are buttons for "Add New Topic" and "Export to Excel." A red arrow points to "Add New Topic. Floyi Content Planning

1. Edit Your Hierarchy

  1. Click ‘Edit Hierarchy’ to adjust the following fields:
    • Main Topics (MT) to Subtopic 3 (ST3)
    • Content Title
    • Search Intent
    • Buyer’s Journey
    • Content Type
    • Snippet Data
    • URL Slugs
  2. Click ‘Save Changes’ to update your map.
    • Click ‘Cancel’ to discard any edits.
Screenshot of a Floyi interface displaying a Topical Hierarchy Map. The table shows columns for main topic, subtopics, keywords, volume, CPC, and competition, with specific data values filled in. Floyi Content Planning

2. Clear the Hierarchy

  1. Click ‘Clear Hierarchy’ at the bottom of the page to reset your topical map.
    • Note: This preserves Subtopic 4 (ST4) and keywords, allowing you to start fresh with the hierarchy if you want to.
A screenshot of a dashboard from FLOyi shows a table with columns like "Projects," "Protocol Benefits," "Google Analytics," and "Crowdsourcing Score." The interface has options for "Clear Hierarchy" and "Export to CSV" at the bottom. Floyi Content Planning

Viewing SERP Data

To review SERP data for your keywords:

  1. Click the ‘i’ icon next to a keyword.
Screenshot of the FLOYI platform showing a Topical Hierarchy Map. It lists keywords such as "benefits of sustainable living," with data on CPC and search volume. The UI includes options for generating content nodes and hierarchy maps. Floyi Content Planning
  1. View detailed SERP data for:
    • Cluster Headterms
    • Keywords within a cluster
A comparison chart on a computer screen titled "eco-friendly storage solutions vs sustainable home organization." It lists web pages with links and descriptions, connected by lines indicating keyword matches. Floyi Content Planning

Searching Keywords and Customizing Views

Searching Keywords

  1. Use the Search Bar to find a specific keyword across all hierarchy levels (MT–ST4).
A screenshot of a topical hierarchy map interface from a software named FLOYI. The map displays columns such as topic, keyword, value, CPC, and more. A red arrow points to a search bar on the right. Navigation options are on the left sidebar. Floyi Content Planning

Customizing Views

  1. Click the ‘Columns’ filter to adjust displayed data.
  2. Select or deselect columns to show only the metrics you need (e.g., Search Volume, CPC, Competition).
  3. Hidden columns won’t appear in the table, making it easier to focus on specific data.
Screenshot of a Floyi interface showing a Topical Hierarchy Map. A table lists keywords with details. On the right, a dropdown menu with checkboxes displays different types of content formats like Articles, Videos, Blogs, etc. A red arrow points to this menu. Floyi Content Planning

Topical Map and Content Plan Tool Notes

  • Credit Usage: Actions like generating hierarchy, content info, and URL slugs require credits. Sorting and editing are free.
  • Flexibility: Customize your map at every level to align with your strategy.
  • Collaboration: Exporting the map ensures team members can contribute to the strategy effectively.

Floyi’s Topical Map Tool is a comprehensive solution for crafting and executing a winning content strategy.