Floyi makes it easy to manage your account settings. Follow these steps to update your profile or change your password.
Accessing Account Settings
- Click on ‘Settings’ in the bottom-left corner of the Floyi interface.
- In the Settings menu, you’ll find sections for Account Settings and Billing Information.
- Note: Detailed Billing History and Credits History are covered in separate documentation.
How to Change Your Profile Details
To update your profile information:
- Navigate to the Account Profile section in Settings.
- Update your details as follows:
- Delete your current First Name and enter your new First Name.
- Delete your current Last Name and enter your new Last Name.
- Click on ‘Update Profile’ to save your changes.
- Email Address: You cannot change the email address associated with your account at this time. Please ensure you use a permanent email when signing up.
- If you encounter issues with your email address, contact us at hello [at] floyi[.]com.
How to Change Your Password
To update your password:
- Enter your current password in the provided field.
- Enter your new password.
- Re-enter your new password to confirm it matches.
- Click on ‘Update Password’ to save the changes.
Tip: Use a strong password to enhance your account’s security.