Managing Your Account Settings

Floyi makes it easy to manage your account settings. Follow these steps to update your profile or change your password.

Accessing Account Settings

  1. Click on ‘Settings’ in the bottom-left corner of the Floyi interface.
Screenshot of the FLOYI Projects Dashboard web page. The page features a "Create a New Brand" button. The sidebar includes options for "Projects," "Brand Foundation," and "Settings," with a red arrow pointing to the "Settings" option at the bottom. Floyi Content Planning
  1. In the Settings menu, you’ll find sections for Account Settings and Billing Information.
    • Note: Detailed Billing History and Credits History are covered in separate documentation.
Screenshot of a web page showing account settings and billing information for a service named "FLOYI". It lists an active Agency Plan, current balance, next billing date, and total credits. Options for viewing billing and subscription history are available. Floyi Content Planning

How to Change Your Profile Details

To update your profile information:

  1. Navigate to the Account Profile section in Settings.
  2. Update your details as follows:
    • Delete your current First Name and enter your new First Name.
    • Delete your current Last Name and enter your new Last Name.
  3. Click on ‘Update Profile’ to save your changes.
Screenshot of an account profile settings page. The user information includes fields for first name, last name, and email. The first name is John, last name is Smith, and email is A sidebar on the left lists navigation options. Floyi Content Planning


  • Email Address: You cannot change the email address associated with your account at this time. Please ensure you use a permanent email when signing up.
  • If you encounter issues with your email address, contact us at hello [at] floyi[.]com.

How to Change Your Password

To update your password:

  1. Enter your current password in the provided field.
  2. Enter your new password.
  3. Re-enter your new password to confirm it matches.
  4. Click on ‘Update Password’ to save the changes.

Tip: Use a strong password to enhance your account’s security.

Screenshot of a password change page. It shows fields for current password, new password, and confirmation of the new password with red arrows pointing to them. Buttons on the screen include "Update Profile," "Update Password," and "Log out. Floyi Content Planning